Diocese of Lucena
Our Bishop
Bishop Mel Rey Uy
CBCP Pastoral Letters & Circulars
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. 09 August 2023 -- Plunging into the deep is really risky but with God at our side we can do better.... READ MORE
Happy birthday Bishop Mel Rey M. Uy -- 06 January 2021, ... READ MORE»
PROFILE: Bishop Mel Rey Uy -- 04 March 2020, Bishop Mel Rey M. Uy was born in San Agustin, Romblon, on 6 January 1968. He studied philosophy at the San Pius X Seminary of Roxas, Capiz, and theolo... READ MORE»
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EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 24 April 2023
The big percentage of what we earned we spent for our food. How much percentage do we give for God?... READ MORE
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 23 April 2023
Listening with our ego can only lead to self centeredness. Listening with the Word can soften our hearts for the others.... READ MORE
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 22 April 2023
Darkness in our life is when we are far from our God. Being near Him is to be responsible to the little ones of His kingdom.... READ MORE
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 21 April 2023
Human endeavor will not endure when God is out of the picture.... READ MORE
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 20 April 2023
"I believe in order to understand; and I understand the better to believe." Saint Augustine of Hippo... READ MORE
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"Buklod ng Pagibig" -- A Message from Bishop Mel Rey Uy -- 07 March 2020
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The theme of our 2020 Bishop's Annual Appeal is "Buklod ng Pagibig." It expresses the bond of charity that unites us all. We are one in putting our faith in... READ MORE
Righteousness is hard to achieve by people who are far from God because they are always self righteous... READ MORE
PROFILE: Bishop Mel Rey Uy -- 04 March 2020
Bishop Mel Rey M. Uy was born in San Agustin, Romblon, on 6 January 1968. He studied philosophy at the San Pius X Seminary of Roxas, Capiz, and theology at the St. Thomas University in Manila, where h... READ MORE
EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING. -- 16 February 2023
Christ asked His disciples not to tell who He is but He showed them how to be like Him.... READ MORE
Website Pre-launched at Clergy Recollection -- 09 March 2020
As a way to optimize results for the official website of the diocese of Lucena, the dioceseoflucena.org, the Social Communication Ministry, headed by its director, Fr. Merlin Las PiƱas, hit the floor ... READ MORE
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