Diocese of Lucena
Circular of Bp. Emilio Z. Marquez on the holding of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Lucena
CIRCULAR OF THE MOST REV. EMILIOZ. MARQUEZ, D.D., BISHOP OF LUCENA, ON THE HOLDING OF THE SECOND SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF LUCENA No. 5. S. 2003 To: Our Beloved Clergy, Religious, and Laity Re: Second Diocesan Synod of Lucena Our dear People of God, in the Diocese of Lucena: On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the First Diocesan Synod of Lucena, we announce with great joy the holding of an important ecclesial assemble that will shape the history of our diocese as it continues its pilgrimage of faith. Having celebrated its golden jubilee in the year 2000, our diocese endeavors to “remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look forward to the future with confidence” (Novo Millenio Ineunte, 1). We remember with gratitude the past fifty-three grace-filled years that the diocese has gone through. It was truly an experience of “joy and hope, grief and anguish” (Gaudium et Spes, 1), success and failure, all interwoven to become avenues of our pastoral and spiritual growth. With heartfelt gratitude, we recognize the significance of the First Diocesan Synod of Lucena, which was held on April 24-27, 1979, with the initiative and under the guidance of Bishop (now Cardinal) Jose T. Sanchez. As envisioned by him, the said Synod succeeded in its aim to “formulate programs and guidelines that will be incorporated into a Pastoral Document that will guide our pastoral efforts” (Pastoral Letter of Bishop Sanchez, March 6, 1977). The growth of the diocese impels us to live the present with enthusiasm. It calls for assiduous, prayerful study of the present pastoral activities in order to determine which areas need more attention. We are aware of the rapid changes in the life of both the Church and the world. Convoked in 1979, the first Synod of Lucena was guided by the Code of 1917. Things significantly changed upon the promulgation of the New Code in 1983, the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines in 1991. Alongside these changes in the Church are the technological advancements that influence the life and faith of the people far and wide. It is for these reasons that we pursue the holding of the Second Diocesan Synod of Lucena in Aprill 2004, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the First Synod of the diocese. We will remember that my predecessor, the Most Rev. Ruben T. Profugo, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of Lucena already convoked this Synod by virtue of his circular letter no. 2, series of 1999, dated March 30, 1999. With the same objectives and intentions, we shall hold the diocesan synod in order to bring about the renewal in the life of the Diocese of Lucena. Without prejudice to the committee formed in 1999, we now assign a new Steering Committee to start working in preparation for the actual synodal assembly. Following are the appointed members: Msgr. Oscar I. Leaño Msgr. Noe L. Loredo Msgr. Carlos Pedro A. Herrera Msgr. Mariano P. Melicia, Jr. Msgr. Luis D. Balquiedra Msgr. Atilano A. Oracion Msgr. Leandro N. Castro Fr. Wilson Divina Fr. Emmanuel Ma. L. Villareal Fr. Romeo P. Padillo Mo. Felina Caspillo, MCST Sr. Consuelo Custodio, DC Sr. Avelina Alcaneses, FMM Sr. Josefina Saquilayan, MCST Bro. Rodolfo Faller Bro. Efren Micor We look forward to the future with confidence as we gather, pray, and work together for the continued growth of the diocese. We shall review our existing programs and draw up new methods of evangelization that are adapted to the circumstances of the present time. We trust in the comforting presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit to whom we fervently submit ourselves in order that the work he has begun in us may be brought to a happy realization. We ask the maternal intercession of the Blessed Mother on whose feast of nativity the diocese was born. We also invoke the help of St. Ferdinand, patron of the diocese. Given at the Sentro Pastoral ng Diocesis, Lucena City this 9th of November 2003, on the Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica, to remind ourselves that we are the Temple of the Spirit, the living Body of Christ journeying to the Father in a communal pilgrimage of faith. +EMILIO Z. MARQUEZ, D.D. Bishop of Lucena
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